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Jeremy Enigk Interview

By Newsdesk

Sunny Day Real Estate split up, reformed, then split up again and again reuniting each time to release great album after great album. When they split for the last time it appeared they had finally gone their separate ways. However the end of one great band led to the birth of another. One good thing that came from the end of Sunny Day Real Estate was the beginning of The Fire Theft.

The Fire Theft is front-man Jeremy Enigk, drummer William Goldsmith and bass player Nate Mendel. Dan Hoerner the other guitarist who completed the Sunny Day Real Estate line-up is absent.

Some things in life are just meant to be. That is the case for The Fire Theft. These three musicians complement each other so beautifully that it was inevitable that they would end up back together.

Jeremy Enigk is the singer / songwriter and guitarist of The Fire Theft. With an unmistakable style his vocals and lyrics have mesmerised listeners for years. I have been a big fan of his music for a long time, I got this opportunity to put some questions to him and this is how it went.....................

M-N: How are things with you and The Fire Theft?


M-N: After ten years making some truly incredible and timeless music, has The Fire Theft given you a fresh impetus to write music or changed the way your thought process works?

When we first started the band we were pretty inspired to do something fresh and different from Sunny Day, but in the end it's really the same thing. Simply writing honest music that moves us. If we stick with that, we will probably be o.k.

M-N: Are there any plans for a second album yet? Have you started to write or demo new songs?

We are talking about starting the recording process in November, though this is tentative due to scheduling. I have been working on demos the past couple of months. I hope to bring them to the band as soon as we can all get together.

M-N: I have read before that you are contracted to do two more solo albums for Sub Pop, is that still the case? Have you got a deadline for these?

Yea, i do have two more records to do. Fortunately for me, there is no deadline. I hope to do my second soon. Whenever i can squeeze it in between Fire Theft responsibilities.

M-N: I don't want to dwell on the Sunny Day Real Estate subject for too long as I would imagine it can become tiresome for you. The debut SDRE album 'Diary' is hailed as being the original 'Emo' album and is perhaps seen as the birth of the Emo genre. What is your opinion of the cult status that the album has?

The idea that anyone would think that we were possible originators of a musical genre just blows my mind. This kind of compliment is probably the coolest thing i've heard said about us. The truth is that we were just inspired by other bands and answered back with our heartbroken version.

M-N: So do you look back at SDRE with fond memories?

I do. Many fond memories.

M-N: Are you still in contact with Dan Hoerner?

We haven't talked in some time, but i would like to.

M-N: I got to check out The Fire Theft playing live when you were in London. It was a superb show, I was with a group of five or six friends and we were all completely blown away! Did you enjoy playing in the UK and Europe?

I had a great time. I probably would have stayed in London if my own bed was there. It was interesting to see how many people would come to our shows given we were not Sunny Day.

M-N: During the London show that I mentioned you got semi-heckled by a man (who was doing a strange sort of marching dance) about George Bush and Iraq etc. It seemed to make you uncomfortable and understandably so. Do you think that music and politics should remain separate, or is music sometimes a good platform for political protest?

Connect them. Music with good lyrics puts politics to shame. Music can expose the true colors of anything.

M-N: Is your faith in God still strong?

M-N: Can you name an album or band / artist who inspired you to make music?

U2, The Joshua Tree.

M-N: What are you listening to on your stereo or in your car at the moment?

I recently rediscovered R.E.M. I have been listening to various tracks off 'Green' and 'Dead Letter Office'.

M-N: Have you got any recommendations for new music to look out for in 2005?

My knowledge of cool, new music is terrible, but if 'Built to Spill' come out with something, i'm sure it will be good.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with us; we look forward to seeing The Fire Theft when you return to England.


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